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Discover the enchanting beauty of Salix integra 'Hakuro-nishiki', a striking cultivar of the Willow family. This plant is ideal for adding a touch of color and texture to your garden, with its unique foliage and graceful form making it a standout feature in any landscape.



Celebrate the vibrant allure of Salix integra 'Hakuro-nishiki'. This variety is renowned for its stunning, variegated leaves that emerge pink in spring, transitioning to a beautiful blend of creamy white and green as the season progresses. The elegant, arching branches add a soft, airy feel to the garden, making 'Hakuro-nishiki' a perfect choice for borders, containers, or as a specimen plant. Easy to care for and highly adaptable, it thrives in a range of conditions, bringing long-lasting beauty to both public and private gardens.


Height (when grown): 2-3m

Spread: 1.5-2m

Soil Type: Moist, Well-drained

Position: Sheltered or Exposed

Lighting: Full Sun to Partial Shade

Hardiness: Hardy (Ideal for British gardens)



#SalixHakuroNishiki #VariegatedWillow #GardenColor #SpringInterest #UKGardens

Salix integra 'Hakuro-nishiki' | Flamingo Willow Tree

Expected to ship at the end of August
    • Foliage: Pretty variegated slender leaves emerging pink and turning creamy green with age.
    • Form: Can be grown as a bush or trained as a lollipop standard tree.
    • Mature Height & Spread: Limited growth and spread makes this a great small feature or patio tree for your garden.
    • Tolerance: Tolerant of most soil conditions and sites but keep well watered if kept in a pot.
    • Seasonal Interest: Offers a dramatic display in spring when the foliage emerges colour.
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