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1 year

Plant Guarantee


Hassle free


Prunus insititia 'Golden Sphere'

A hardy variety with wonderful plummy flavour, rich and sweet.


Pollination Group : 1

Pick: Early August

Use: Cooking & Eating




A hardy, modern variety of mirabelle producing large, bright yellow fruits that are almost transluscent. The flesh is golden-yellow and has a rich plummy flavour. Best eaten fresh from the tree when ripe but will also work well in desserts and jams.


Planting Position 

A well drained soil and a good sunny position is best for Mirabelle trees.


Pollination Partners 

Mirabelle - de Nancy, Mirabelle - Gypsy, Plum - Avalon, Plum - Herman, Plum - Rivers Early Prolific, Gage - Jefferson, Gage - Dennistons Superb, Gage - Golden Sphere


A Guide to Fruit Rootstocks

Prunus domestica 'Golden Sphere' | Mirabelle Tree

Expected to ship at the end of August
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