Evergreen hedging is a popular form of landscaping that can provide homeowners with a variety of benefits. From providing year-round privacy to reducing wind speed and noise, evergreen hedging is an excellent choice for anyone looking for an attractive and easy-to-maintain landscaping solution. In this blog post, we'll discuss the top evergreen hedging.
Which evergreen hedging plants should I choose?
Laurel - A well-known, best-selling hedge, Laurel is a low-maintenance hedging plant ideal for tricky areas. It is fast-growing and survives well in poor soils and complete shade. It is suitable for blocking out noise and as a wind buffer. It also stops weeds from growing underneath it as it inhibits the growth of seeds. It can also be used as a game and wildlife cover. We have number of different varieties of laurel available.
Prunus laurocerasus 'Rotundifolia' - a great all-rounder and one of the best-selling hedges in the country. Great level of cover, fast-growing and glossy, bright green new foliage.
Prunus laurocerasus 'Otto Luyken' - slower growing and more compact and can be maintained at a height of around 1.5m.
Prunus laurocerasus 'Genolia' - ideal for growing in areas where space is limited as it grows with a tight, upright habit.
Prunus laurocerasus 'Novita' - especially hardy for more exposed areas. Forms a dense, bushy hegde.
Portuguese Laurel - A pretty alternative to Cherry Laurel, this large, evergreen hedging is ornamental in appearance and an excellent choice of garden hedging. It can be maintained at a height of 3-5m or grown as a specimen shrub and is attractive to wildlife with its pretty white flowers and dense habit.
Griselinia - The genus Griselinia consists of evergreen trees and shrubs native to New Zealand, Brazil and Chile. This species is a popular hedge specimen able to cope with our colder climate. However, it can succumb to severe frosts and temperatures under -5 degrees C in exposed locations—an excellent hedging option for coastal areas.
Yew - The Yew is one of the three conifers native to Britain, the others being Scots Pine and Juniper An evergreen tree native to chalk downs in southern England; however, most parts of the tree are toxic if eaten by humans or livestock. Yew makes lovely, neat, formal hedges, especially when well-maintained and trimmed regularly.
Holly - Holly will thrive in harsh conditions and provide beautiful foliage and year-round cover. Long-lasting red berries in autumn follow insignificant flowers in summer on female trees, an essential food source for many birds.
Box - Common Box is native to the UK (mainly in the south). The best wild population of Box is found in Box Hill in Surrey. It is most popularly used for hedging and topiary. When used as a hedging plant, it provides dense foliage, which can be easily shaped and gives year-round interest.
Don't forget to use Rootgrow when planting your hedging to encourage a good strong root network.