The Highlights
- Shape: Narrow, columnar, deciduous tree.
- Urban Friendly: Perfect for small gardens and urban landscapes.
- Windbreak: Effective as a windbreak due to its dense foliage.
- Screening: Provides excellent screening for privacy. Looks good when planted in a line.
- Low Maintenance: Requires minimal pruning.
Carpinus betulus ‘Frans Fontaine’, commonly known as Upright Hornbeam, is a deciduous tree with a narrow, columnar habit.
- Grows fresh, green leaves in spring which turn to rich, golds and yellows in autumn. Often holding onto leaves late through winter before shedding in spring with new growth.
- Reaches up to 8-12 meters in height and 2.5-4 meters in spread in 10-20 years.
- Thrives in full sun to partial shade.
- Prefers well-drained soil but can cope in wet and dry soils once established.
- Best time to plant in spring or autumn.
Bareroot options are available here.
#UprightHornbeam #FransFontaine #OrnamentalTree #DeciduousTree # CarpinusBetulus
Carpinus betulus 'Frans Fontaine' | Upright Hornbeam Tree
20% OFF
Eventual Height: 8-12m Eventual Spread:
2.5-4m Foliage Colour: Lush green in spring turning golden in autumn Habit: Narrow, columnar Hardiness: Fully hardy