• Self-fertile
• Cross between raspberry and blackberry
• Large, succulent and sweet fruits
• Thorn-free variety
The Tayberry (Rubus) Buckingham is a popular, self-fertile, spreading, deciduous fruit bush providing summer interest. Very easy to pick, grow and harvest.
A tayberry is a cross between a raspberry and blackberry. This thornless variety produces deliciously sweet, aromatic, red-purple berries ready to harvest in mid-July. The fruits, which can grow up to 5cm in length, are great for eating fresh or as a dessert. The Buckingham is a small shrub with coarse, small, heart-shaped, green, fragrant leaves from spring.
Planting Position
This Tayberry is a hardy hybrid, suitable for beds and borders and is often planted in informal gardens. The Buckingham will do well in sheltered areas in full sun to partial shade and moist but well-drained soil.
The Tayberry (Rubus) Buckingham requires moderate maintenance. Support the stems on a framework of wires or train against a trellis, fence or wall. Once well established, cut fruited canes down to the ground during autumn and tie in any new canes which have grown over the summer. Water well for the first year until the Tayberry plants are fully established.
After 2-5 years, the shrub can reach a height of 1.5m to 2.5m with a 2.5m to 4m spread.
Rubus fruticosus 'Buckingham' | Tayberry
Height (2-5 years): 1.5m - 2.5m
Spread (2-5 years): 2.5m - 4m
Fertility: self-fertile
Harvest: Summer
Uses: eating fresh or as a dessert
Soil Type: clay, loam, sand, chalk
Soil Moisture: moist but well-drained
Soil pH: acid, alkaline, neutral
Sun: full sun to partial shade
Exposure: sheltered areas
Hardiness: fully hardy